We Help Gyms Generate More MembershipsThrough Email Marketing and Instagram Ads
In the connected world of today Digital marketing is a MUST for every business that wants to be successful.

The fitness industry today is ever-growing, and so is the competition. Big brands fight to get as many people as possible, while small gyms struggle to make their existence be known.

The awareness of fitness and health is at an all-time high and, ideally, you want to attract as many of these new customers as possible to your gym.

To achieve that seemingly lofty goal, you’ve got to harness the power of Social media - especially Instagram - and Emails !
There are 1 BILLION active users on Instagram, and 35% of them show interest in posts in the Health and Fitness category.

It is an ideal place to promote your gym because 71% of these users are below 35 years of age. This young audience, that is aware of the importance of fitness, is what you need for your business.


Moreover, if there is one channel that is underused or misused by gyms, it is Email.

In fact, with more than 4.3 BILLION users worldwide and 99% of them that check their emails DAILY, Email Marketing is the TOP marketing channel by effectiveness.

Emails are a powerful tool that allows to reach a very broad audience, from the student to the just retired CEO.
What We Do For Your Business
We take new clients to your door and retain them forever through email marketing and Instagram advertising by managing your campaigns from A to Z ! We provide services such as :

- Realistic Goals setting
- Ad creation
- Campaign Broadcasting
- Performance Tracking

This way, you can focus on what really matters in your business - without having to worry about where your next customer is coming from or whether they'll be loyal to you !
Is the average Return On Investment for every 1$ spent in Email marketing in 2022.
How We Do It
Our expert digital marketing team will manage your campaign on the channel of your desire from the creation of the ads to the tracking of their performance.

Establishing expectations and realistic objectives

 We seriously and thoroughly study the situation of each gym with which we work.

This way we can give realistic expectations to our clients and establish a solid plan to achieve the goals we set together.

Creating High-Quality Ads designed specifically for our clients audience

We create engaging and qualitative ads created specifically for the audience our clients seek to reach. 

Our expertise in the gym industry and digital marketing allows us to create advertisements that will resonate with them.

Broadcasting the Advertising campaign

Our team will broadcast your campaign on Instagram or on email channels for the entire duration of the contract.

We'll focus on reaching your ideal audience according to your gym specificities, making sure that we bring qualified leads to your door.

Continous focus on performance and efficiency

The performance and the efficiency are the key objectives of Midas in all our activities. 
We adapt ourselves to every situation by tracking the performance of the campaign from Day One.
It allow us to improve the campaign for all its duration
Free 15-Minute Demo Call
By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Email Marketing.

Find a time on Alexandre’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!
  • Businesses looking to create a strong bound between them and their customer in order to have a highly loyal customer base.
  • ​Businesses looking to take their offline business online
  • ​Businesses looking to understand their increased revenue potential with email marketing.
  • ​Businesses looking to maximize the number of customers who choose them over their competitors.
  • ​Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.
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